CEI condition assessment
CEI Architecture Planning Interiors Crystal Pool and Fitness Centre Evaluation Report – Final Report July 14, 2011
At the request of “The City of Victoria”, CEI Architecture conducted a “Facility Assessment Study for the “Crystal Pool and Fitness Centre”, located at 2275 Quadra Street, Victoria, B.C. The intent of the assessment report was to review and assess the present condition of the facility. This report focuses on problematic areas which relate to the integrity of the building.
CEI Architecurte outlined 3 options in the report (page 49). The Stantec report of 2015 is based on this report and the Feasibility Report of 2018 is based on the Stantec Report.
Below are the CEI Architecture Planning Interiors options.
Option 1 –
This option
entails a 12 to 18 month targeted decommission of the facility and manage the
facility within the present annual operations costs of $450,000. This will
provide opportunity for the city to develop an action plan for helping the
facility and programs.
Option 2 –
3-5 Year Extension
This option
would be extend the life of the facility with a 3 to 5 year expectancy at a
budget of $6.8 million. This option does not address all “life/safety”
issues and also raises “risk” concerns of liability or immediate shutdown.
An additional “risk” factor would fall under cost control, in order for the
facility to do any upgrades or repairs, it becomes very difficult to draw the
line with regard to where the work starts and stops. A “trickle effect” with
repairs or replacement could cause interruptions with programming (ie: equipment
replacement could trigger seismic work…etc.)
Option 3 –
Full Upgrade
Option 3 –
$22.5 million upgrade and alterations within the existing footprint in a phased
approach, maintaining the existing “look” of the building. Some programming
could continue with considerable interruptions. This would provide an
operational facility but based on a 40 year old approach to program delivery.
Considering value for money, a replacement facility would serve the city and
its residents better.
If work on the building envelope, structural components, and site grading is deferred beyond the period of the winter months, the present conditions will only become more severe and more costly to repair.
01 Crystal Pool Evaluation Report Final July 15-11
02 APPENDIX A Structural Report
03 APPENDIX B Mechanical Report
04 APPENDIX C Electrical Report
07 APPENDIX E2 IAQ Report Sept 2010
08 APPENDIX E3 Lead Paint Survey Sept 2010
09 APPENDIX E4 Asbestos Report April 2010
10 APPENDIX E5 Sustainable Project Analysis
11 APPENDIX F Arc Flash – Grounding-Bonding Reports
12 APPENDIX G Exploratory Recess Locations
13 APPENDIX H Architectural Photographs
14 APPENDIX I Architectural Keyplans
15 APPENDIX J Building Review Questionnaire – Sample
16 APPENDIX K List of Rec’d Docs
17 APPENDIX L Comparison of recent facilities