Why can’t we just build a 25-meter pool?

Would you build half a bridge?

If you build a 25 meter pool, half of the people who are using the pool will no longer have a place to swim.

As an example, on Tuesday night between 6:00 and 7:00 pm Special Olympics has 50 swimmers using the 8 lane, 25 meter section of the pool. At the same time, young Special Olympians as well as a number of youth are participating in swims lessons at the other 25 meter section of the pool. If you build a 25 meter tank, who will not get to swim?

There is currently more demand for the pool than can easily be accommodated during prime time use periods. The need for indoor swims in Victoria is 22% more than what is being accommodated. Further the demand will increase as the population does.

Net Operating Costs are about the same as 8 lane 50 metre pools, but their capacity is less than half. Fifty metre pools are much more efficient to configure and program than any 25 metre alternative. This fact is a huge benefit to the pool operators and all users. The 25 meter pool bulkhead option is unlikely to make much difference in programming flexibility, but will increase cost and risk for this untried configuration. The absence of a movable floor further handicaps the 25 metre alternative.”

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